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I was born and raised in a kibbutz in the north of Israel. My father is a mechanical engineer who has educated his daughters by the value of craftsmanship, and the kibbutz ideology supported that concept as well.

So it happened I grew up to be a woman who loves contributing to her surroundings, always keeps herself busy and wonders about “the next big thing” that will influence people and change their lives.

Right after I finished the army in 2001,
I started working in the kibbutz's garage as a car mechanic. after that I started woking in agriculture. 

In 2005 I started my B.Des in "Shenkar College" at "Communication Design - Interactive Media" department.
My favorite cources was "Interaction-Design", that questioned real problems from every day's life, reaserching about them and making prototypes. This prototype is for a barcode scanner device for kids with 
food alergies.

(Designed in 2007, before the smartphone where born).

I often take part in the "Hackathon culture"; Creation combining electronics and craftsmanship are another passion of mine. "Geekcon", is a yearly event I've been attending, aiming at making pointless products, just for the fun of making. 

Two examples for that are our “Roller Coaster for smartphones” (2013), a short mechanical ride for the beloved device, which shoots a video and screams at the right spots; and “Room texture map projection” (2010), a simple arrangement which changes a modeled room's look & feel magically.

Recently I’ve come to a conclusion I want to break out the boundaries of flat 2D screens, and started looking for new directions. On August 2014 I took an Arduino crash-course in the "MediaLab - Shenkhar Collage", combining design, electronics, and robotics.

Needless to say I adore the field, and created as a final project an automatic flap-door for cats, operated by a motion sensor.

Today I work with the Shenkar-MediaLab on different projects.

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